Eco Projects
The Foundation actively engages with partnership schools and with local volunteers or organisations (e.g. Aireborough Rotary Club, Friends of Nunroyd Park, Friends of Parkinson’s Park), to deliver an Eco-Schools Programme.
This is designed to be pupil-led, encouraging impactful environmental actions that have been completed by forward-thinking and innovative young people. These can take the form of active interventions such as clean-ups, litter picks, or the installation of equipment to support environmental activity to encouraging awareness of wider issues such as energy conservation, alternative sources etc
Essentially, the programme intends to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, improving the school environment, and realising financial savings, as well as a host of other benefits.
Through the delivery of a range of sessions within schools, our coaches (working with their designated representatives) help to realise improvements within their own or wider community environments. Additionally, the Foundation will assist participating schools to attain formal accreditation (‘Green Flag Status’), which recognises and rewards well managed green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces.