PPA (Planning, Preparation and Assessment

The Foundation has a successful record of delivering PE lessons during the school day to allow teachers much needed PPA time.

We provide qualified, experienced coaches who have knowledge of all aspects of the PE national curriculum. As part of the service, we offer PE lessons plans on a half termly basis.

We work closely with schools to produce a weekly timetable for curriculum delivery, producing short and mid-term plans, while also creating and producing class assessments set by the Schools Senior Leadership Team.Our PPA delivery can be delivered in half day blocks, either during the morning or the afternoon, or across a full day covering the morning and afternoon of the school day.

We offer an extensive primary school’s programme delivering bespoke curriculum sessions that will benefit your physical education, the school, and your pupils. These sessions are tailored to each year group and their physical needs, from Reception to Year 6.

Our Reception and Key Stage 1 delivery is centred around communication, confidence building and developing the children’s fundamental movement skills.

Key Stage 2 provision sees pupils develop upon their skills by developing an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities, both technically and tactically. This is alongside learning how to evaluate and recognise their own and classmates’ success.

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